Native Non-profit Day is a giving initiative aimed at increasing support for Native-led organizations. Foundations, corporations and individual allies are invited to dedicate May to raising awareness of the importance of supporting Native-led nonprofits like ours, culminating in making a donation to the Mass. Center for Native American Awareness (MCNAA) on Friday, May 17, 2024, Native Non-profit Day!

Native populations often get lost in the larger BIPOC narrative. Did you know that only 0.23% of philanthropic funding by large foundations goes to Native-led Nonprofits?

Native-led organizations recognize and have the solutions to the issues that their communities are facing. Native-led nonprofits know their communities, their strengths and how best to help Native people. The systemic funding inequities Native-led organizations face make it more difficult to implement Native-led solutions. Investing in Native-led nonprofits enhances positive change in our communities. Native Non-profit Day is an innovative opportunity for donors, corporations and foundations to learn about our amazing non-profit and contribute to our important work.

Donate to support our programs that help our People with:

  • College Scholarships

  • Cultural & Spiritual Engagement

  • Food Assistance

  • Heat Assistance

  • Rental Assistance

  • Youth Cultural Enrichment Activities

  • and More.

Leading up to and on Native Non-profit Day, please donate and help make an impact on the number of families and Elders we help! Thank You!